woosneakers.cn as a leader in the high-quality replica industry of high-end brands, we are recognized as the most professional and trustworthy gold sellers, our replicas use the same high-grade materials and hardware accessories as luxury brands, Create the perfect looking, most authentic imitation! We sell the highest quality replicas and are the #1 retailer and wholesaler of high quality knockoffs on the web.
Before we send you the product, we will carefully check every detail of the product, take a photo or video of the product and send it to your mailbox as a record when the product is sent.
All of our items have a money back guarantee! After you receive the product, if you find that the product is defective or not the style of the product you purchased, you can immediately contact our online customer service to explain the situation, and we will immediately replace the defective or wrong product and pay the freight.
From the date you received the item, if there is any problem with the item you received, please notify our online customer service within 7 days. After online customer service confirms that the item is defective, you need to return the item including all labels and original packaging to us within 14 days of receipt for a refund or exchange.
You identify the item you want to return, and you need to make sure that the item is in new, unused condition with all labels and original packaging. Sorry, used items cannot be returned or refunded, please make sure the item is in brand new, unused condition. The first time you wear this product, our refund policy will be void. Before processing your return, we require a final inspection of the item.
If the item you received has no quality problems and the style is correct, but you still request an exchange or refund, you are solely responsible for shipping, returning and safely arriving at our return address. In rare cases, customs may hold a return, so we are not responsible and cannot issue a refund.
If the product is indeed defective, the shipping cost for the replacement will be borne by us. The online customer service will guide you to send the item back to our return and exchange department. Please do not send it back to the sender’s address, so as not to receive the item and cause the return or exchange to fail.
You must first send the returned package to our Returns and Exchanges Department by courier at your own expense and provide us with the courier tracking number in order for us to exchange or refund. After we receive your return and exchange package and check it correctly, we will refund the shipping cost incurred when you return or exchange the product to you.